Monday 9 January 2017

Blogging develops your Marketing Skills

Blogging requires marketing, extensive marketing if you want to expand your reach. Marketing is not only about sharing your post on social media. It also includes when you share it and how you share it.

Sharing your posts on Facebook, Twitter , Google Plus and LinkedIn requires a lot of strategy than you might think. Your time and your method of sharing determines your CTR. Another thing about social media is that not everyone sees your posts because everybody is not logged in at the same time and with too much going on in the news feed itself, someone logged in may also miss your update.

A better approach of Internet Marketing is E-mail marketing which includes gathering a list of subscribers. E-mail marketing also has higher CTR(Click through rate) than Social Media marketing. Ideal for making affiliate sales, you could probably earn thousands of dollars if you can do it effectively.

Of course, acquiring these skills takes time, probably years. Some of the top affiliate marketers like Zac Johnson and John Chow have been doing these for years.

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